Developing the ICT Sector in Zambia | Thursday, February 19

UNCTAD and BongoHive have organised this multi-stakeholder discussion in order to bring to the fore the challenges and opportunities in the ICT Sector in Zambia. To attend this discussion, please sign up here

Developing a thriving information and communication technology (ICT) sector is a priority for many developing and emerging economies. It drives private sector productivity and competitiveness, creates employment and spurs innovation, including in low- and middle-income countries. Its contribution to economic development is twofold. First, the ICT sector itself contributes to GDP growth. Second, firms, organisations as well as individuals have greater opportunities to use ICT productively when locally based firms are available to provide relevant ICT products and services at affordable prices and in a timely manner. Against this backdrop, finding effective policies to support ICT sector development is important.


TORBJÖRN FREDRIKSSON, Chief, ICT Analysis Section – Science, Technology and ICT Branch Division on Technology and Logistics – UNCTAD Mr Fredriksson is the Officer in Charge of the Science, Technology and ICT Branch of the Division on Technology and Logistics at UNCTAD. He is among other things responsible for the annual Information Economy Report and UNCTAD’s work on measuring the information economy. The Science, Technology and ICT Branch is also covering work related to national reviews of science, technology and innovation as well as ICT policies. Mr Fredriksson joined UNCTAD in 2000 and was for eight years one of the principal authors of the World Investment Report. Before joining UNCTAD, Mr Fredriksson has held positions at the Invest in Sweden Agency, the Swedish Ministry of Industry and Commerce the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research in Stockholm. Mr Fredriksson is the author of several books and has published articles related to international trade and investment in such publications as the Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Industrial Organization and the Journal of World Investment. He holds an MSc in International Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics.