What We Do


Get bigger and better faster. We help entrepreneurs build high-growth ventures that address critical problems in underserved markets.


We foster innovative culture and build digital platforms that contribute to the development of new products and services.


We offer a mix of entrepreneurial culture and innovative workspace for entrepreneurs and startups.


A vibrant network of BongoHive alumni and collaborators providing guidance and support based on shared knowledge and experience.

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Programmes Accepting Applications

Ukama Ustawi Innovation Challenge

Are you an early-career researcher or practitioner with a passion for advancing sustainable agriculture in Zambia?

This challenge is your opportunity to work alongside experts and peers to develop innovative solutions in key areas such as agricultural water management, soil health, sustainability, and environmental science.

Application Deadline: 6 September 2024

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Our Partners

Are you interested in…

1. Partnering with us?
2. Mentoring and/or investing in startups and Small and Growing Businesses?
3. Using our Co-working Space?
Or other amazing opportunities? Please let us know by filling in the form and we will get in touch.

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