AUGUST 2021 Issue
We exist to solve challenges. 
Our hive of great minds bring entrepreneurial thinking into organisations to create solutions, inspire and delight - making anything possible.

Welcome to the August 2021 issue of the BongoHive Consult brief! Get inspired by our monthly insights on how innovation is transforming businesses now and in the future.

We cannot overemphasise the importance of innovation in this age of modern business. Innovation is about survival; an innovative working culture and your ability to solve problems differently are part of your survival kit. 

However, we do understand that the concept of innovation still needs to be unpacked. We asked our Innovation lead, Sekayi Fundafunda to answer 10 of the most frequently asked questions on innovation.

As you further understand the concept of innovation, take a look at these 5 reasons why innovation is critical to business growth.

We like to celebrate and acknowledge the team behind our success. We have been sharing stories of our team members and their experience working with us, as well as their personal achievements. Read our latest story on Gift Banda who recently joined us as an Intern Software Developer. He shares his expertise and what he hopes to gain at the end of his internship.

See you next month.

Our Services
We can help you leverage technology to drive your business forward by building custom technology platforms.
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We can help you build a culture of innovation within your organisation by focusing on People, Process and Product.
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Our customised masterclasses provide teams with skills to take on new and existing business opportunities.
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Our Insights
5 Reasons Why Innovation is Critical For Business Growth
Do you know that a Google search on ‘why innovate’ produces 114,000,000 results? There is a lot of conversation going on about innovation and even more specifically, its importance in business. Innovation has become part of a survival kit for companies that want to meet current and future customer’s needs.
The world has become so fast-paced; there is always something new and better being created. 
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  Customer-Driven Innovation 
In our innovation open letter to stakeholders, our Innovation Lead asked a thought-provoking question: How do you build what’s next?
“There certainly isn’t one magic answer to ‘how you build what is next’, but I like to think there are some definite starting points, that we have explored and encountered in developing innovation as a service to our partners,” she explains.
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Our Work
Exploring Business Solutions Through An Innovation Challenge  
We helped a major financial institution with branches around the country to manage the increasing number of customers them serving its customer efficiently and in the shortest possible time.
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Co-creation: An Ideation Session on ‘Co-creating Better Education’ 
We facilitated an ideation session where tech enthusiasts, education experts and creatives to brainstorm on how the teaching and learning experience for both teachers and learners can be improved.
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