Despite Zambia’s economic growth in recent years, youth unemployment figures remain high (48% for the 20-24 years age group). The world is at a pivotal point right now, re-evaluating models of education and forming policies that will shape and foster new business creation.
Design thinking is a process, applicable to all walks of life, of creating new and innovative ideas and solving problems. The Idea2Prototype (i2p) Day will teach the design thinking process by enabling participants to tackle local innovation challenges through a structured yet creative approach.
The event is supported by Embassy of Sweden, Copperbelt University and Asikana Network. It will also attract notable speakers and coaches, including various sponsors and company representatives.
Date: Friday 21 November, 18:00hrs – Saturday 22 November, 20:00hrs 2014
Location: Copperbelt University, Kitwe
Submit your application HERE
- Education: Learning through the act of creating. Participants don’t just listen to theory; they build their own strategy and test it as they go.
- Build personal network: Participants spend the day interacting and forming lasting relationships with thinkers and doers.
- Learn a new skill: The event is a perfect opportunity to pick up and explore new skills from others
- Face time with thought leaders: Local tech and leaders participate in coaches and mentors. This is a great opportunity for one-on-one time with the movers and shakers in the business community.
- Opportunity to participate in Startup Weekend Lusaka: Participants may also be selected to attend Startup Weekend Lusaka that takes on 28th – 30th November.
Day 1 – Friday 21 November 2014
5.00pm Introduction
5.15pm Guest Speaker
5.30pm Challenges Video Screening
5:45pm Team formation exercise
6.00pm Snacks
6.15pm Close for day
Day 2 – Saturday 22 November 2014
9.00am Arrive, energizers
9.15am Recap of previous day
9.30am Introduction to Design Thinking (presentation)
10.00am Design Thinking Workshop (Handson) and Coaching
1.00pm Lunch break
2.00pm Pitch Practice
2:30pm Prototyping and Coaching
4.00pm Tea Break
4.30pm Final Pitch Practice
5.00pm Pitch Session
6.00pm Judging and Winners Announcement
6.30pm Close for Day
Submit your application HERE
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