We work with great minds building viable solutions that change the world by providing a range of startup and innovation programmes all focused on making Zambia Africa’s next hotbed of innovation.

Open for Applications

ITC Entry Level Online Selling Programme

Are you a small business, upcoming entrepreneur or budding business person looking to increase your clientele online?

We are happy to share that the Online Selling Programme is your opportunity to get the digital skills needed to grow your business online!

Application Deadline: 31 July 2024

Current Work

SC Women In Tech Incubator

The Standard Chartered Women in Technology Incubator (WiT) Zambia, is Africa’s leading incubator programme for female-run and founded businesses.

ZANACO Innovation Challenge

The ZANACO Internal Innovation Challenge seeks to attract new ideas that address current challenges in ZANACO’s ability to deliver superior value to their customers.

Stanbic Project Innov8 3.0

The Innov8 project, is targeted at Stanbic Bank Zambia staff countrywide who submit their ideas to solve some of the most pressing challenges in delivering financial services today; and preparing for future challenges and the inevitable disruptions caused by ever evolving technologies.

UNDP Meet the Tôshikas

Through “Meet the Tôshikas,” UNDP aims to bring about transformation of how investors find, capacitate and invest in African startups. In 2024, the project is implemented in Angola, South Africa, and Zambia.

EU Youth TeamUp

The YouthTeamUp Project serves as a bridge between two crucial continents, Africa and Europe, for the holistic development of our youth. The project’s mission is to connect African and European youth through virtual exchanges to embark on transformative Global Impact Projects (GIPs).

Improving the Capacity of Zambian Agricultural SMEs to Use Digital Technology

Improving the capacity of up to 225 Zambian agricultural SMEs to
use digital technologies to increase sales, reduce expenses and improve access to information,
finance, inputs and services. (ACDI/VOCA)


The GIZ Females in Tech Mentorship program aims to address the prevalent gender imbalance in the African tech industry by empowering existing female tech role models and enhancing their mentorship capabilities, amplifying their visibility, and inspiring other women to explore opportunities in the field of technology..

Lundazi Green Village Project II

The key objectives of the project include mobilizing the community to own and manage the mini grid; optimize the system to increase its efficiency and to upgrade the mini grid to supply energy to over 450 customers.


Past Work


The vision of DIGILOGIC is to boost the cooperation and strategic partnership between European and African Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)
paving the way for startups, SMEs and innovators to jointly develop smart logistic solutions, in close cooperation with industries and ventures,
securing sustainability and success.

GIZ Tech Talks

Between June and December 2022, BongoHive and GIZ will co-host meetings called “Tech Insaka”. The purpose of these meetings is to gain a better understanding of how to strengthen and support the technology and startup sectors through collaboration between state and non-state actors.

Design Thinking for MSI

Design Thinking for the Multi-Stakeholder Initiative working together towards addressing and prioritising Zambia’s tech-driven democratic and human rights landscape. Objectives were to: Understand stakeholder perspectives and define a shared vision;  Collaboratively identify priority areas and establish working groups with action plans; and Develop, test and refine initiatives through iterative feedback loops.

Make-IT in Africa Open Innovation Programme

The Open Innovation Program (OIP) aims to bridge the gap between private and public sector innovation needs (problem statements) and innovators/start-ups providing customised tech solutions relevant to the local/regional market conditions;

MentorPitch Programme

MentorPitch was a 12-week mentoring program for startup founders based on the POEM Framework® and designed for getting post-MVP stage startups to grow their early adopters customer base while getting prepared for funding from Angel Investors who Mentor them.

Digital Health Hackathon

This initiative sought to explore the potential of technology in creating innovative Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and to encourage grassroots solutions for better healthcare delivery and improved patient well-being in Zambia.

AICCRA I2G: Internship

The internship is supporting the top three winners of the innovation challenge by providing them with hands-on private sector work experience and facilitating demand-driven innovation development


Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Supports in-country capacity through the engagement of graduates and young professionals in the development of innovations within the agriculture industry that service Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Climate Information Services (CIS) needs.

PachiPanda Innovation Challenge

The PachiPanda Innovation Challenge by MTN Zambia and WWF was a unique platform that sought to inspire individuals, aspiring entrepreneurs, and established innovators to come up with sustainable ideas that could have a meaningful impact on the environment and broader society

Boost with Facebook Zambia

Boost with Facebook is a series of free webinars where you can learn how to use Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram tools to take your business online, build resilience, stay connected with customers and adapt in real-time.

Total Startupper

The Startupper of the year Challenge by TotalEnergies is running its 3rd edition in 32 African countries. Its goal is to support young African entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35. BongoHive is providing support to the winners with six months of business coaching. The coaching is provided to the winners to help them develop their projects or startups.

PPAZ Innovation Challenge

This innovation challenge seeks to drive increased education on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights among Zambian youth.

AGS Level-Up

The Accelerated Growth for SMEs in Zambia Programme (AGS) aims to strengthen the Zambian private sector to promote job creation and productivity, in line with the Finnish Country Strategy for Development Cooperation with Zambia.

SC Women In Tech Incubator

The Standard Chartered Women in Technology Incubator (WiT) Zambia, is Africa’s leading incubator programme for female-run and founded businesses.


UNDP Climate Change and Energy Experimentation Programme supports eight innovators and startups (SUs) that participated in the National Innovation Fair. The aim of the programme was to support innovators and startups implement their ideas from prototypes to Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

Fintech4U Accelerator

The programme was designed for entrepreneurs who started a fintech or digital financial services business that shown the potential to grow throughout Zambia and the regional market.

Boost Up

BOOST UP was a three-part startup support programme organised by the Connected Hubs network and the Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme (SAIS 2) in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia.

Demola AGS Future Challenges Co-creation initiative

The Demola AGS Future Challenges Co-creation initiative was a six-week student-led innovation challenge that invited both Zambian and Finnish companies to collaborate with students in order to source solutions for challenges faced by their industries in the future.

DITCh Plastic

“Digital Innovations for Transitioning to a Circular Plastic Economy (DITCh Plastic) aims to characterise, cluster, synergise and optimise digital innovations that would support/accelerate the transition to a circular plastic economy in Africa.

Financial Management for Small Businesses in Zambia

A World Bank-funded project to improve the Financial Management in Zambia’s Small Manufacturing firms supported by Market Connect programme under the Zambia Agribusiness and Trade Project, implemented by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI).

MTN MoMo Hackathon

MTN Zambia in collaboration with Comviva and BongoHive, invited developers and entrepreneurs in Zambia to participate in the MoMo Hackathon giving entrepreneurs based in Zambia the opportunity to create innovative financial and transactional applications using the MTN MoMo API platform.

Future Traders

Absa Bank Zambia PLC and BongoHive’s Future Traders programme provides the opportunity for interested candidates to build a career in Financial Markets.

Creative Enterprise Programme

A unique two-phased support programme focused on hubs that support creative enterprises in Mozambique, Malawi, & Zambia. A Hub Accelerator to co-create an inclusive toolkit to support creative enterprises and in-country sessions where hubs deliver the training to their communities.


i4Policy supports the emergence of relevant entrepreneurship-focused policy reforms driven by local communities of “policy users” (the people affected by public policy).

Mentor Driven Capital Program

Implementing partners of the VC4A mentorship programme where local mentors with various industry experts are recruited, trained and matched with startups who can benefit from their individual skills.

Drone Hackathon Zambia

Drone Hackathon Zambia seeks to nurture creativity and hone entrepreneurial skills amongst Zambia-based early-stage technology youth entrepreneurs. During this 5-Day Virtual Bootcamp, participants will have the opportunity to learn from experienced drone professionals.

Mobile Innovation Roadshow

infoDev and the SAIS Program convened multiple stakeholders to magnify opportunities in mobile innovation and encourage goal-oriented collaborations for mobile development and entrepreneurship in Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, and Botswana

Boost Up

Set up, Stand Up and Scale Up events included coaching, pitch competitions and incubation of 5 startups representing each country taking part in Slush 2019 in Helsinki.

Academy for Women Entrepreneurs

 A programme aimed at connecting women business builders in Zambia with the tools needed to bring their bright entrepreneurial ideas to life.


DataHack for Financial Inclusion brought together data enthusiasts and emerging tech companies to promote data-driven solutions for financial and economic inclusion.

Boost with Facebook Zambia Roadshows

Boost with Facebook roadshows in Solwezi, Kitwe, Chipata, and Lusaka to train small and medium-sized businesses on how to use Facebook to drive business growth.

Zambia Agribusiness Bootcamp

A competitive mentoring and training program designed to help growth-oriented SMEs who operate in value-added agribusiness to derive concrete and feasible expansion plans.

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp helped assist entrepreneurs to work together and start businesses in 6 thematic areas.

Agribusiness Accelerator Initiative

A partnership of public and private organisations, led by Musika, focusing resources on building the capacity of the small rural businesses that are critical to the deepening and broadening of the agricultural sector.

Spark 4 Kids

A fun 2-day project-based programme hosted during school holidays to introduce kids (9-12yrs) to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and computer programming.

EdTech Bootcamp

A 3-day workshop & intense one-on-one consultations with experts to accelerate the growth of EdTech startups.

Thrive Investor Readiness Programme

An Investor Readiness Programme in partnership with Prospero and Village Capital to accelerate the growth of socially responsible enterprises.

SADC Innovation Challenge

Supporting early stage innovations that are relevant to financial inclusion in SMME Financing, Digital Financial Identity, Women and Savings, and Access to Basic Services

BongoHive Fintech Challenge

Bongohive partnered with FSD Zambia to promote the development of new ideas that address financial inclusion gaps in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces of Zambia.

UNICEF Zambia Innovation Lab

The Zambia Innovation Lab allowed UNICEF and the UN in Zambia to convene dynamic, new partners around specific issues that affect children and women and foster the creation of solutions that are designed to go to global scale.

The Finance Bootcamp for Startups

Six American experts worked with Zambia’s most promising startups to help them grow. Startups learned how to get their businesses ready to take on debt and investment and ultimately learn how to grow.

PEPFAR Condom Innovation Challenge

The U.S. government, through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Zambia supported the Condom Innovation Challenge which showcased the talent, creativity, and passion of young people to address the HIV prevention barriers that face their generation.


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2. Mentoring and/or investing in startups and Small and Growing Businesses
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