The 10th ICT4D Conference offers insights on how digital innovations can support aid and development programs, as well as a unique opportunity to meet 800+ peers, partners and vendors. The specific emphasis is on how data generated through the use of ICT4D can and is being used to make evidence-based decisions to improve the impact of projects on the lives of those we serve.
Key tracks for 2018:
Agriculture & Environment · Digital Financial Inclusion · Livelihoods & Education · Health & Nutrition · Humanitarian Response · Collaboration & Openness in ICT
SPEAK: Share your know-how, insight or innovation https://www.ict4dconference.org/par…
If you have a case study, innovation or research to share, one that will inspire and inform others senior program, field and IT managers, then we have an exclusive audience eager to hear from you and encourage you to apply as speaker before January 15.
REGISTER: Early-bird Tickets available now https://www.ict4dconference.org/reg…
Take advantage of the early-bird discount of 20% until January 31 and join your ICT4D community of non-governmental agencies, private sector companies, multi-lateral and government agencies academic and research institutions, and aid and development funding organizations.
For more information on the 10th ICT4D Conference and how to register, please visit www.ict4dconference.org
We look forward to welcome you to the 10th ICT4D Conference in May in Lusaka.
ICT4D Conference Organizing Team