In recent years, the importance of implementing digital solutions in Africa in particular has increased. The adoption of digital technology has the potential to boost productivity, information access, and economic growth.
For businesses and organizations in Zambia, embracing digital solutions is crucial, as digital solutions can enhance customer experiences, lower costs, and increase efficiency. Nevertheless, putting digital solutions into practice can be challenging, particularly in a growing economy such as Zambia’s.
Zambia has made significant progress in embracing digitalization in recent years. The country’s internet penetration rate has increased from 6.5% in 2010 to 16.8% in 2020, according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
Mobile subscriptions in Zambia have also seen a significant increase, with over 19.5 million mobile subscriptions as of September 2020, as recorded by the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA).
This represents a mobile penetration rate of over 100%. While e-commerce is still in its early stages in Zambia, there has been a significant increase in online shopping in recent years, with 14% of Zambians making an online purchase in the past 12 months as of 2019, according to a survey conducted by ZICTA. These statistics demonstrate the country’s growing commitment to embracing new technologies and driving digital transformation.
It is therefore clear to see that there is an opportunity for an even greater increase of digital growth in Zambia.
In this article, we will explore some tips for implementing digital solutions for organisations in Zambia.
- Start with a clear strategy.
Before implementing any digital solution, it is important to start with a clear strategy. This means identifying the problem you are trying to solve, defining your goals and objectives, and determining how the digital solution will help achieve those goals. It is important to involve all stakeholders in the process, including IT staff, business leaders, and end-users. This will ensure that everyone is aligned and invested in the success of the digital solution.
- Identify the right technology.
Once you have a clear strategy in place, the next step is to identify the right technology for your organization or particular project to be implemented. This requires careful consideration of several factors, including cost, compatibility with existing systems, ease of use, and scalability. It is important to also consider the availability of technical support and training resources. This will ensure that the technology can be effectively integrated into your organization and that your staff have the necessary skills to use it.
- Invest in infrastructure.
Implementing digital solutions requires a reliable and robust infrastructure. This means investing in the hardware and software necessary to support the digital solution. Therefore it is important to look at the availability of computers, servers, networking equipment, operating systems, databases, and security solutions. It is important to ensure that the infrastructure is scalable to accommodate growth and that it is regularly maintained to prevent downtime and security breaches.
- Focus on user experience
Digital solutions should be designed with the end user in mind. This means focusing on the user experience and ensuring that the solution is intuitive and easy to use.
One way in which this could be done is by conducting user testing and gathering feedback to identify areas for improvement. It is also important to ensure the solution is accessible to users with different levels of technical proficiency, as this will increase adoption and reduce frustration.
- Provide training and support.
Implementing a digital solution requires training and support for both users and administrators. This means providing training on how to use the solution, as well as technical support for troubleshooting and maintenance. This ensures that users are able to effectively use the solution and that administrators are equipped to manage and maintain the infrastructure. Providing ongoing support also helps to ensure that the solution is continually optimized for maximum benefit.
- Embrace the cloud.
Cloud computing can be a game-changer for businesses and organizations in Zambia. Investopedia describes cloud computing as the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. Cloud solutions offer many benefits, including scalability, cost savings, and increased security. By leveraging cloud solutions, organizations can implement digital solutions more quickly and cost-effectively. This also allows organizations to easily scale their infrastructure to accommodate growth and ensure that their digital solutions are always up-to-date.
- Consider security
Security should be a top priority when implementing digital solutions. This means securing the infrastructure, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring that users are trained on best practices for cybersecurity. This requires working with a reputable technology partner to ensure that the digital solution is designed with security in mind. It is also important to regularly monitor and update the infrastructure to stay ahead of emerging threats.
- Measure success
Finally, it is important to measure the success of your digital solution. This requires tracking metrics such as usage, user satisfaction, and cost savings. By measuring success, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your digital solution is delivering the expected benefits. This requires regularly reviewing and analyzing data to identify trends and to make data-driven decisions about how to optimize the digital solution for maximum impact.
“How can we help you?”
Businesses and organizations can benefit from the support and expertise of BongoHive Consult in the implementation of digital solutions. Our Tech Consulting unit comprises a team of experts equipped to provide guidance and support throughout the entire process of implementing digital solutions. From strategy development and technology selection to training and ongoing support, BongoHive Consult can help organizations in Zambia successfully navigate the challenges of digital transformation. With our support, businesses and organizations in Zambia can accelerate their digital journey and achieve their goals for growth and success.
Visit our website at https://bongohive.co.zm/consult/ or call us on +260 97 3621800.