Meet Mulubwa Chungu, one of the Backend Software Developers at BongoHive Consult. He joined us as an intern in 2019 and shares more information about his personal life and his work at BongoHive Consult.
Growing up, I always loved computers. My favourite moment was when we owned a desktop computer at home and I was so excited. I went on to learn how to type using the Hangman word game on Windows 98.
When I joined BongoHive Consult, I was both excited and intimidated, because I had no idea what they really did. Despite all this, I was still eager to start working.
My typical day at work is usually writing code, maintaining cloud servers and pair to pair programming with my teammates.
The ability to solve problems, finding new and efficient ways to speed up work are some of the skills that help in my role. It’s not just about the work but naturally, I enjoy solving mysteries and I believe that no problem doesn’t have a solution, we just have to look deeper!
I enjoy the work environment and the harmony amongst team members. Even during this time that we are working remotely, the sense of collectiveness can be felt in our virtual meetings.
Outside work, I like to watch anime, playing video games and spending time with friends and family. I also spend a significant amount of time learning new trends in the software development world.