My name is Radhia Mtonga, I am the Learning and Development Coordinator/ Projects Assistant at BongoHive.
I was born in the western part of Zambia in Mongu. A short description of myself is that I never stop until I get something is done, whatever it takes, the work has to get done! I also like a good laugh and I am always ready to help.
Something that most people don’t know about me is that I didn’t watch TV until my late teenage years and I used to be a skilled Barista.
Back to my work at BongoHive, I spend my days creating programme content, design, development and delivery. So basically, I do a lot of research on what skills and information people could potentially benefit from. This expands further to identifying the people, creating a programme and delivering it. On some days depending on the project, I do a level of project management and coordination.
I am multilingual and quite good at picking up languages because I do a lot of user needs research across various sectors. This comes in handy in ensuring I perform my tasks seamlessly.
To perform my tasks even better, I am not afraid to ask questions. I ask when I don’t understand and this usually helps to do tasks quicker, with lesser hitches.
Apart from working from home, my favourite aspect of work at BongoHive is interacting with and learning from all the different people I come across because of my work. My Favourite moments are every time someone completes and graduates from one of our programmes.
Outside work. when the pocket and time allows, I enjoy discovering new places to drink coffee or tea. I am also a happy plant mom of plants I even lost count of. Tending to plants and watching them grow is therapeutic. More importantly, I like to find new and fun ways of fighting for the Earth. ( Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)