BongoHive is honoured to host Joni Catalano-Sherman, PhD. Joni has extensive experience working in innovation. Her career path has led her through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to Johnson & Johnson in capacities that include Senior Director, Emerging Technologies at Johnson & Johnson Corporate Office of Science & Technology and Senior Director, New Ventures at Johnson & Johnson Innovation.
She has graciously offered to share her insights on how innovation that starts in an academic setting can successfully transition to industry. She is particularly interested in biomedical innovation. Joni is passionate about Israel and will also talk about how a small country can distinguish itself as a center for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Joni is visiting Zambia with a colleague, Susan Sawicki, Associate Director & Director of the International Relations Department at the New Israel Fund. Susan will be able to give guidance on how NGOs can fundraise.
Please join us, and meet with Joni and Susan, if you can.