BongoHive Technology and Innovation hub is hosting the first-ever Fishackathon Zambia 2016. The Fishackathon kicks off on Earth Day 22nd April 2016. Fishackathon Lusaka, Zambia will be the first of its kind challenging coders to help identify issues facing the rivers, fish and fisheries around Zambia and to develop mobile and technological solutions to these real-world problems. Teams of volunteer coders and technologists will take a weekend-long challenge to consider problem statements from fisheries experts around Zambia and present usable solutions. The local panel of judges will select the outstanding solution to contest internationally.
Register here to attend!
What is Fishackathon?
A Fishackathon is a computer coding and technology intensive event that brings together developers, designers, project managers, and subject matter experts to create applications, systems, and tools for sustainable fishery issues.
Fishackathon was launched in 2014 around The United States of America Secretary of State, John Kerry’s Our Ocean conference, Fishackathon was established to bring together volunteer coders to create tools to address challenges in sustainable fishing around the world. The pilot Fishackathon brought together coders in 5 cities around the United States, and the second annual Fishackathon in 2015 expanded to 12 cities worldwide, including hackathons in Asia, Europe, and Latin America and now Africa.