Learn to code in 3 months at BongoHive with the Hackers Guild


The Hackers Guild will host a 3 month intensive training session that will help participants in Zambia to code. Applications are now open for anyone who wants to become a professional web developer. This adventure started a few weeks ago through a chance encounter between the three founders: Charles Mwanza, a consultant and the former hub manager at BongoHive; Vincent Jumeaux, a French freelance globetrotter and training maker and Daryl Lukas, a software developer at iConnect Zambia.

The three entrepreneurs who are passionate about education, teamed up to organize the 3 month training programme which will use innovative methods to teach how to build websites and mobile applications. Similar to programmes implemented in Nairobi and India, this training aims to train 20 Zambians who will create 4 websites or mobile applications for local non-profit organizations.

Vincent says, “To be transparent, we wanted to kick-start the project because we wanted to grow fast. We are looking for businesses, non-profits or state organizations to work with us”. This explains why students will need their own device for the first training. Vincent goes on to say, “But we are enthusiastic about it, ICT is the only sector where you can create great value with only a few computers and an internet connection”.

Selection of participants to attend the training programme started this week and the sessions will begin in December at BongoHive. Those who intend to become hackers will need to demonstrate curiosity about computers, be self-starters and able to work in teams.

Charles notes, “Hacking is not cracking into someone’s computer to steal personal information; it is a way of solving complex problems by thinking outside of the box. We want our hackers to be innovative and creative to cope with the growing business demand for ICT professionals in Zambia.” Find more information about the Hackers Guild on their homepage.