Empowering Rural Zambia: Highlights from the Lundazi Phase II Capacity Building Workshop

The Lundazi Green Village Project continues to make significant strides in empowering rural communities through sustainable development. From July 29th to August 2nd, 2024, a crucial five-day workshop took place at the Four Pillars Lodge in Lusaka, marking a key milestone in the project’s Phase II capacity-building efforts. Organised by our Consult Entrepreneurship Unit, the workshop brought together members of the Magodi Green Village Trust (MGVT) to strengthen their business acumen and management capabilities—skills essential for the long-term sustainability of their solar mini-grid initiative.

The workshop was designed to be highly interactive and practical, focusing on delivering the knowledge and tools MGVT members needed to manage their solar energy projects more effectively. Through a series of hands-on training sessions, participants delved into essential topics, including financial planning, community engagement strategies, and sustainable business practices. The ultimate goal was to ensure that the solar mini-grid, which provides much-needed electricity to the Magodi community, remains both operationally efficient and financially sustainable.

“The skills we acquired here have given us a new sense of confidence in managing our project,” remarked one of the MGVT participants. “The financial planning sessions were particularly eye-opening—we now have a clearer understanding of how to ensure that our operations remain viable in the long run.”

Another participant echoed these sentiments: “This workshop has taught us not only how to manage the solar grid but also how to better engage with our community. We’ve learnt that sustainable development isn’t just about technology; it’s about people, communication, and ensuring everyone is on board.”

BongoHive Consult, through our Entrepreneurship Unit, played a critical role in the facilitation and success of this workshop, drawing from our extensive experience in supporting startups and social enterprises in Zambia. By providing tailored training, we ensured that MGVT members were equipped with the skills necessary to lead and sustain the solar mini-grid initiative.

“We were committed to empowering our communities with the skills they needed to manage and sustain their resources,” said Misozi Chisenga, the projects coordinator at BongoHive Consult. “This workshop was not just a training exercise; it was a pivotal moment in building a self-reliant, green future for rural Zambia. We aim to see these projects thrive long after the initial support has ended.”

The Lundazi Green Village Project continues to serve as a leading example of sustainable development in rural Zambia, showcasing the power of local capacity-building as a driver of long-term change. By enhancing the ability of rural communities to manage their own resources and develop viable business models around them, the project demonstrates how renewable energy can transform lives and economies.

As the project progresses, it promises to light up even more homes and businesses, providing a scalable blueprint for other communities looking to harness sustainable energy solutions. BongoHive Consult’s Entrepreneurship Unit remains steadfast in its commitment to support such initiatives, working hand in hand with local stakeholders to create an enduring impact.