Category: News

MTN Zambia and BongoHive to host TADHack Zambia.

MTN Zambia, the leading telecommunications service provider and BongoHive, Lusaka Technology and Innovation Hub are hosting the first ever Telecom Application Developer Hackathon (TADHack) Zambia this October 14th – 16th 2016.
TADHack the largest telecom focused hackathon in the world …

BongoHive Hosts 2nd Launch Demo Night

launch startup program

Lusaka’s technology and innovation hub BongoHive held their second Launch demo night yesterday Tuesday 2nd august, 2016 where seven highly promising startups pitched their businesses.

Launch is an accelerator programme designed by BongoHive for startups that want to scale and …

MTN Zambia API Workshops

MTN Zambia has partnered with BongoHive to provide training workshops to Developers and Entrepreneurs interested in MTN’s Application Protocol Interfaces (APIs).

Please fill in the form below to register your interest. Information provided will be used to design the depth …